Are Digital Nomads Running Away From Life?

Last year someone told me they thought I was running away from my life by traveling full time-living as a digital nomad. At first I questioned what they said. Could there be any truth in their words? I have never thought of myself as someone who runs away from problems. So how could I have …

Best Gifts For The Traveler On Your List

Looking for the best gifts for the traveler in your life? Here are my recommendations for the best gifts for anyone who loves to travel, whether they are just getting started or are on the road all year like me. You can’t go wrong with any of the gifts in my holiday gift guide this …

Day Trips In Cyprus You Must Experience

Cyprus is packed with things to see and do. So during our nine day trip on the island we kept pretty busy with day trips in Cyprus. The historical sights of Cyprus are phenomenal but so are the monasteries, churches and diverse landscape. My first post about Cyprus covers the historic and natural sights, this …

Discovering Venice Italy

 As I stood in the middle of the Piazza San Marco (St. Mark’s Square)in Venice, surrounded by pigeons, tourists from all over the world, the bright Italian sun and the smells of pasta and cappuccino all I could hear was the song of the Italian language.

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